NAVY Military Sealift Command (MSC)
NAOVI’s prime contract with Military Sealift Command’s (MSC) Engineering Directorate (N7) involves providing data entry and order management support services for MSC’s American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Engineering and Surveyor Services contract. The support we provide under this contract includes data entry and management services using various MSC software applications, including Financial Management System (FMS) (Oracle Financial), Oracle Discoverer, Corrective Maintenance Logistics System (CMLS), Total Record Management (TRIM) system, and the Standard Procurement System (SPS). Our work on this contract supports the MSC Program Managers, who are responsible for all aspects of the maintenance, repair, alteration, and material readiness for a fleet of approximately 140 Government Owned Government Operated, Government Owned Contractor Operated and designated U.S. Navy vessels.
Corporate Contact Information
Name: Ivan M Johnson
Title: Program Manager
Address: 2010 Corporate Ridge, Suite 700
City/State/Zip: McLean, VA 22102
Phone: 571-730-4877 x101
Fax: 571-730-4878
Solicitation Contact Information
Name: Anthony James
Title: Contracts Manager
Address: 2010 Corporate Ridge, Suite 700
City/State/Zip: McLean, VA 22102
Phone: 571-730-4877 x105
Fax: 571-730-4878